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Who is the False Prophet: The Third Person in Satan's Unholy Trinity of the End Times?

Before we can move on to the end-time False Prophet, it is important to note that false prophets have existed both today and in the past. In the Bible, a false prophet is someone who speaks on behalf of the gods or spreads false teachings or messages, allegedly from God for the purpose of deception. We see, for example in Jeremiah: “Then the LORD said to me, ‘The prophets are prophesying lies in my name. I have not sent them or appointed them or spoken to them. They are prophesying to you false visions, divinations, idolatries and the delusions of their own minds’” (Jeremiah 14:14; see also 23:21–33Zechariah 10:2). This is not an Old Testament specialty as many false prophets still exist today (you have probably met them or see them around you). There are various verses pointing to false prophets in the Old Testament but what generally differentiates them from the true prophets is both their source of information and their motivation. These are false prophets, and the Bible denounces false prophets as they lead people astray. However, there will be a False Prophet in the end-time!

In Revelation 13 we see two beasts rising to power in the same period. While the first beast that came from the sea with seven heads and ten horns represents the end-time Antichrist, the second beast representing the false prophet comes from the earth with two horns like those of a lamb but speaking like a dragon (Revelation 13:11-15). The Antichrist and the False Prophet together with Satan empowering them both form a tripartite of the unholy trinity (Revelation 13:1116:1319:2020:10).

Of the tripartite, let’s focus on the False Prophet described as the beast of the earth or simply from the pit of hell. The Apostle John describes this beast as having two horns like those of a lamb while speaking like a dragon, or simply carrying a message from the dragon. Just like a lamb has little bumps until it becomes a ram, the false prophet comes that way. Unlike the Antichrist who comes with many heads and horns showing his power, the false prophet comes with persuasive words that elicit sympathy and goodwill from people. This description qualifies him as an extraordinary religious leader, orator, or preacher but with power derived from Satan.

While both beasts are empowered by Satan, the false prophet has the power of the Antichrist to carry out his mission of maliciously getting people to worship the Antichrist (Rev 13:12) and receive his mark (verse 16-17). The next verse indicates the use of miraculous signs and wonders to the point of bringing fire from heaven, to establish credibility that will cause people to fall before the Antichrist in worship of his power and message [given to the false prophet]. This deception will be very great, so that an idol to the Antichrist, the image of the beast, will be erected and worshipped (Verse 14). The Bible is not explicit about the image of the beast, all we know is that the false prophet will have "power to breathe life into the image of the first beast that the image might speak" (Revelation 13:15). This breathing, speaking image of the beast will then demand worship and anyone who refuses to worship it [or these unholy pairs] will condemned to death. Based on the execution mode seen in Revelation 20:4, it is likely that the image of the beast is "the abomination that causes desolation" in the temple, mentioned in Daniel 9:27 and Matthew 24:15. Whatever it is, the image of the beast is the focal point of worship in the “religion of the beast” at the midpoint of the tribulation.

Those who face the terrors of the great tribulation will basically have two choices: [1] refuse to worship the image of the beast and be killed (Revelation 13:15), or [2] worship the image of the beast and be subject to the wrath of God (Revelation 14:9–11).

In short, the end-time false prophet will bring the greatest apostasy where the whole world will be caught up in it. The growing number of false teachers we see today are his forerunners preparing the final satanic kingdom. However, as we approach the end, it is also unfortunate that false teachers are supposed to gradually gain a multitude of followers, those who turn against sound doctrine but want to hear teachers talk about their own desires (2 Timothy 4:3-4). As Christians, we must beware of these false prophets (Matthew 7:15) and not participate in fruitless works of darkness, but rather expose them (Ephesians 5:11). We have our assurance that Christ will overcome the beast and win for those who are with him, called and chosen (Revelation 17:14). The image of the beast will be destroyed, the two beasts will be thrown into the lake of fire (Revelation 19:20), Satan will be bound (Revelation 20:1–3), and the Lord Jesus will establish His unending kingdom of perfection (Isaiah 9:7Luke 1:32–33).

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