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What Role Do Nonprofit Organizations Play in the Worldly Hierarchy?

In a recent article, we have provided insight into the true World Hierarchy. This world hierarchy is a complex matrix, a web of interlocking tiers, each playing a critical role in furthering a global agenda. At the very top of this hierarchy is Lucifer, who is subordinated by his fallen angels (John 12:31, 14:30; Ephesians 6:12Matthew 4:8-9). Following this, the hierarchy cascades down to secret organizations, then to the international community spearheaded by the United Nations, and finally, to world governments. All these entities work collaboratively to shape the new world order. This cooperation of physical and nonphysical entities is not strange in biblical prophecy (Daniel 2:41-43; 1 Corinthians 10:20-21). One of the crucial cogs in this machinery is the nonprofit organizations. The role of these nonprofits within this worldly hierarchy is profound and multifaceted, and this article seeks to unpack it meticulously.

As we embark on this exploration, it's pivotal to remember the warning given in Genesis 3:1, "Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made...". This cunningness serves as the operational framework within which the worldly hierarchy maneuvers. Especially pertinent in our context of the end-times, Daniel unequivocally states that comprehension will be bestowed upon the discerning (Daniel 12:10), a sentiment echoed by the Apostle John, who frequently urges for wisdom throughout Revelation.

Nonprofit organizations, with their far-reaching influence and tremendous resources, serve as vital catalysts in promulgating the global agenda set by the upper echelons of the hierarchy. Just as yeast functions in the brewing of beer, nonprofits serve as catalysts in worldly operational processes. These organizations wield budgets that often dwarf those of national governments, illustrating their significant role in this grand scheme.

Their responsibilities are multitudinous. They are tasked with training officials from governments, international corporations, and local structures, indoctrinating these individuals with new age ideologies and philosophies that align with the 'new world order'. This term, shrouded in mystery and speculation, is frequently associated with the reign of the Antichrist, in the biblical language.

The scope of these organizations' activities is vast, encompassing various topics such as sexual and reproductive health, human rights, gender equality, LGBT rights, enter-faith, abortion, and divorce, among many others. These ideologies are not merely propagated; they are woven into the fabric of communities, permeating the beliefs and behaviors of the masses at the grassroots level.

In addition to their pedagogical role, nonprofits also exert considerable pressure on governments to enact laws that align with the global agenda. They play an instrumental role in shaping the political landscape, ensuring that these laws transcend mere parliamentary discussion to actual enactment. Any nonprofit that does not toe the line often finds itself starved of funding and subsequently shut down, a harsh testament to the inexorable march of this worldly agenda.

Alice Bailey's classification of those who implement Lucifer's clandestine agenda is particularly enlightening in this context. Scientists working in social and community settings are listed under the fifth ray of Lucifer’s disciples. One might ponder whether these individuals are fully aware of their role in this grand scheme. While a few might be cognizant, it is plausible that many are unknowingly influenced by 'Babylonian teachings', disseminated through an education system that unwittingly serves Lucifer's agenda.

As Christians, it is incumbent on us to stay vigilant, to scrutinize these developments, and to understand their far-reaching implications on our faith. The emergence of new age ideologies and philosophies advocating unrighteousness and abominations serves as a precursor to the prophesied coming of the desolator (Daniel 9:27). This development is a stark indication that we stand on the brink of the rapture. Matthew 24:42 serves as a stark reminder, "Therefore, watch carefully, because you don’t know what day your Lord will come." As we navigate these turbulent times, we must guard against deception, constantly reminding ourselves of the serpent's cunningness, and steadfastly holding onto our faith.

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